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Pax Bellum ARID N18 Macroalgae Reactor

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Pax Bellum ARID N18 Macroalgae Reactor


  • Recommended size Aquarium: 40-150 USgal.
  • Recommended Flow Rate: 150-200 gph
  • ChamberMaterial: Cast Acrylic, features integrated hang-on bracket
  • Footprint: 6.5”
  • Height: 16.375"
  • Inlet/Outletport size: 1/2" FNPT
  • Power consumption: 13Watts (Theincludedpower supply canaccept90-240vac,50/60hzinput.Swapping power cords allows this reactor to work worldwide, ask aboutcountry specific power cords)


The concept of using macroalgae as a method of nutrient export is not new. However,the introduction of the ARID (AlgaeRemediationIlluminated Device)theoriginal,patentedmacroalgae reactorby Pax Bellum is a quantum leap forward. This ingeniousdevice utilizes macroalgae (specifically Chaetomorpha) to function as atunablenutrient exportmechanism. The unique design of the ARID incorporates a coaxial LEDlight tube to maximize light penetration and efficiency.The tube and flange designofthe device serves to isolate the algae from atmosphericCO2, which effectivelylimits the carbonsource for the algae toonlythat which isrespired by organisms within the aquarium.This is a self regulating feature andeliminates organic carbon buildup(yellowing of the water).The ARID isanalogoustoalung for the aquarium, bysupersaturatingthe aquarium with oxygen createdby thealgaeduring its respirationwhileremovingexcess CO2. Pax Bellum recommendsrunning the ARID on a "reverse daylight" cycle (i.e.; opposite of the display aquarium)which helps tobalance the natural day/night pH swingthat occur, and tomaintainhigh dissolved oxygenlevels throughout the night when the display aquarium lightingis off and photosynthesis has ceased.TheARIDis capable ofTargeting SpecificNutrient(s) forExport. In the reefaquarium the mainconcern is balancing the nutrients N:P:K:C, with the goal oflimitingphosphate(P).Usually never in short supply,Potassium (K) and carbon (C) arenotdosed. However,Nitrogen (N) can become depletedrapidly by the growth of algae,causing growth to stall. To keep the algae growing, the aquarist should dose the,“Nitrogen+Molybdenum”solutionthat came withtheARIDreactor,at a rate tomaintaintheratio of NO3 to PO4ata minimum of 20:1 and ideally at100:1(example;3ppmNO3to0.03ppm PO4). Maintaining this ratio will allow the Chaetomorpha or macro-algae of choice to continue to grow until phosphate levels reach the minimum cut off forgrowth at 0.02ppm

Usethe ARIDwith theTriton Method:One of the reasons we love thisproduct is dueto the fact that it is satisfies the need for the algae component when running the TritonMethod. This method relies heavily on algae as the heart of the filtration system.Nutrients, namely No3 and Po4 are largely kept in check by an algaecomponentroughly 15-20% of the system volume.For aquarists that currently lack the space orability to incorporate a large algae filter in their existing or new setup, this upright,sealed unit offers an excellent alternative. Because of the fast growingnature ofChaetomorpha algaeespecially in this reactor, we recommend placing it in the upperhalf,if placing other algae in the same unit.Use the ARID with aCalcium Reactor. PurchasetheCa injectionassembly(CaReactor FeedandInjection Assembly)thiscompact manifoldthreads directly into thewater inlet on the base of the ARID n24, c30, c36 and inlinewith tubingon the n18. Theassembly can be installed or removed at any time by the aquarist. Thisoptionalkitsendswaterdirectlyto a Ca reactor or peristaltic pump supplying the Ca reactor,andreceiveseffluent from the Ca reactor. This is accomplishedby separating thehigh andlow pressureports by a user preset valve.The effluent coming from the calcium reactorpasses through theincludeddrip counter,and then enters the low pressure side of thecalcium injection assemblywhereitmixes with the bulk of the water entering the ARID,makingcontact with the macro-algae where it isstripped of excess CO2 andPO4before entering the reef system. Thisoptional kitcanincrease the growth rateofyour macroalgae and with itthe nutrient uptakerateand dissolved oxygen production.This unit comes with the quick disconnect fittings,and starter solutions30ml Fe+Mnand125ml N+Mo.Algae and Pumparenotincluded.

N18 inline QD

Quick disconnect fittings produced to Pax Bellum specifications. Package consists oftwo pairs (2 female, 2 male pieces) Fittings are ½” hose barb x ½” hose barb, pushbutton release, non-valved, polypropylene body with viton o-rings. Thesequickdisconnectsdo not havebore restrictions that become clogged with debris..

N18 Power Supply

Replacementpower supply for the ARID n18: output 12vdc @ 1.5amps, 18Watts;universal input90-240vac,50/60hz.Swapping power cords allows this power supply towork worldwide. Power cord is not included.


Replacementchamber for theARIDn18consisting of; acrylicchamber, flange o-ring,flange screws,hanging bracket,andhose barbfitting installed.

N24Flange Seal

Replacementlid to flange O-ring sealfor the ARID n24

N18 LED array

Replacement LED array for the ARID n18.This is the light engine of the ARID reactor.The array has an output of 13w of full spectrum light kept cool with an integratedthermal management using heat pipe technology. Power supply and power cord soldseparately

N18 lid

Replacementlidfor the ARID n18consisting of; clear acrylic lid and elbow with½” hosebarbfitting installed.

N18 Light Sleeve Assembly

The n18 light sleeveassemblyis a replacement component for the n18 ARID reactorconsisting off, the clear polymer protective light sleeve, diffuser discs, disc retainers,spiralstrandsand Uniseal. The assembly is a high wearcomponent and werecommend replacing it yearly for optimal light transmission and durability. Polymersused havebetter than90% light transmission,are highly resistant to impact, thermalcycling stress,cracking,and have a long track record of use in the marine environment.


Product code: 8287
Item No. RG-PB-N18

1 Review

  • 5
    Great Reactor

    Posted by Nick on Dec 16th 2022

    Can't beat Pax Bellum quality