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ICP-OES Testing Kits

5 of 5 Items
  • Triton ICP-OES Testing Kit Triton ICP-OES Testing Kit


    Triton ICP-OES Testing Kit

    Triton ICP-OES Testing Kit We have been utilizing Triton's ICP-OES testing system for some time with aquariums, additives, and almost any other liquid that we have wanted to know what is in it exactly. Triton now gives you the ability to know what is in...

  • Triton N-DOC Organics Test Kit


    Triton N-DOC Organics Test Kit

    Triton N-DOC Organics Test Kit Application:  Deliver insights into complex organic systems in seawater: Carbon and Nitrogen Use N/C/P ratio to manage sources of Carbon / Amino acid and control their influence on bacteria and corals in reef...

  • ATI Elements ICP-OES Water Analysis Kit ATI Elements ICP-OES Water Analysis Kit


    ATI Elements ICP-OES Water Analysis Kit

    ATI ICP-OES Water Analysis Kit With the ARCOS II ICP-OES machine, we have chosen an analyser of the highest in its class. It is characterised by its high precision and is used wherever high demands on element analysis are required. So it is not...

5 of 5 Items