Finnex HMS 500 Watt Digital Heater
Temperature Steady Low Variance TechnologyThe HMS heater series uses an advanced digital processor that monitors and controls thewater temperature in your aquarium. The heating controller receives temperature data fromthe remote sensor in the aquarium. The remote sensor contains no bi-metallic contacts toarc, corrode or wear out. This allows HMS heaters to have precise control, keeping thewater temperature stable while avoiding wide temperature swings common with low-qualityaquarium heaters. The controller displays the current temperature, allowing you to easilymake temperature adjustments on the front panel. Temperature can be adjusted by a tenthof a degree
The remote sensor also functions as an automatic power cut-off switch. If the water leveldrops too low and exposes the temperature sensor to the air, power to the heater tube isturned off. This prevents over-heating of the aquarium, saving your prized aquarium life fromharm. The heater is constructed of corrosion-resistant titanium, making it safe for freshwaterand marine aquariums. The heater tube is virtually unbreakable and features a protectiveheater guard to prevent aquatic live from accidentally coming in contact with the heatingtube.
Maintenance: Secure the out-of-water sensor directly beneath the sensor cord clip,without any cord slack, and above the heating element at all times. Clean and confirmthe out-of-water sensor is functioning properly every 30 days. Do not use heater if theout-of-water sensor is inoperative. Refer to the instruction manual for proper mainte-nance and care.
- HMS Series Overview
- Virtually Unbreakable Titanium Tube
- High Temp Resistant Heater Guard
- Out of Water Sensor Protection Audio Alert
- Over Heating Audio Alert
- 3 Digit Digital Display & Control
- 1/10th Degree Temperature Calibration
- Temperature Saving Memory Protection
- .5°F High Precision Accuracy

Product code: 8944
Item No. HE-FX-HMS-500S