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  • Praziquantel – Treats 2,000 Gallons


    Praziquantel – Treats 2,000 Gallons

    Praziquantel – Treats 2,000 Gallons Effective against: -External Parasites -Flukes -Flatworms -Turbellaria -Tapeworms -For Ornamental Fish Use Only -Not For Human Consumption – use only...

  • Praziquantel – Treats 250 Gallons


    Praziquantel – Treats 250 Gallons

    Praziquantel – Treats 250 Gallons Effective against: -External Parasites -Flukes -Flatworms -Turbellaria -Tapeworms -For Ornamental Fish Use Only -Not For Human Consumption – use only as...

  • Oxytetracycline – Treats 1,000 Gallons


    Oxytetracycline – Treats 1,000 Gallons

    Oxytetracycline – Treats 1,000 Gallons Effective Against: -Raised Scales -Swollen Belly -Swim Bladder Inflammation -Bacterial Infections -Bloody Fins or Scales -For Ornamental Fish Use...

  • Oxytetracycline – Treats 200 Gallons


    Oxytetracycline – Treats 200 Gallons

    Oxytetracycline – Treats 200 Gallons Effective Against: -Raised Scales -Swollen Belly -Swim Bladder Inflammation -Bacterial Infections -Bloody Fins or Scales -For Ornamental Fish Use Only -Not...

  • Nitrofurazone – Treats 1,000 Gallons


    Nitrofurazone – Treats 1,000 Gallons

    Nitrofurazone – Treats 1,000 Gallons Effective Against: -Red Areas and Body Streaks -Peeling or White Body -Open Ulcers -Wasting Away -Bacterial Infections -Ammonia Exposure -For Ornamental...

  • Nitrofurazone – Treats 200 Gallons


    Nitrofurazone – Treats 200 Gallons

    Nitrofurazone – Treats 200 Gallons Effective Against: -Red Areas and Body Streaks -Peeling or White Body -Open Ulcers -Wasting Away -Bacterial Infections -Ammonia Exposure -For Ornamental Fish...

  • Neomycin Sulfate – Treats 200 Gallons


    Neomycin Sulfate – Treats 200 Gallons

    Neomycin Sulfate – Treats 200 Gallons Effective against: -Open Sores -Internal Swelling -Loss of Color -Body Distortion -Body and Fin Rot -Bacterial Infections -Guppy Disease -Furunculosis For...

  • Erythromycin – Treats 1,000 Gallons


    Erythromycin – Treats 1,000 Gallons

    Erythromycin – Treats 1,000 Gallons Effective against: -Fin and Tail Rot -Mouth and Eye Sores -Cloudy or Protruding Eyes -Wasting Away or Swollen Belly -Bacterial Infections -Popeye -Molly and...

  • Erythromycin – Treats 200 Gallons


    Erythromycin – Treats 200 Gallons

    Erythromycin – Treats 200 Gallons Effective against: -Fin and Tail Rot -Mouth and Eye Sores -Cloudy or Protruding Eyes -Wasting Away or Swollen Belly -Bacterial Infections -Popeye -Molly and...

  • Kanamycin Sulfate - Treats 1000 Gallons


    Kanamycin Sulfate - Treats 1000 Gallons

    Kanamycin Sulfate - Treats 1000 Gallons AquaLife Kanamycin Sulfate Full Spectrum- Treats 1,000 GallonsEffective against:-Fin and Tail Rot-Mouth and Eye Sores-Cloudy or Protruding Eyes-Wasting Away or...

  • Kanamycin Sulfate - Treats 200 Gallons


    Kanamycin Sulfate - Treats 200 Gallons

    Kanamycin Sulfate - Treats 200 Gallons AquaLife Kanamycin Sulfate Full Spectrum- Treats 200 GallonsEffective against:-Fin and Tail Rot-Mouth and Eye Sores-Cloudy or Protruding Eyes-Wasting Away or...

  • Metronidazole - Treats 1000 Gallons


    Metronidazole - Treats 1000 Gallons

    Metronidazole - Treats 1000 Gallons AquaLife Metronidazole- Treats 200 or 1000 GallonsMetronidazole is effective against:Hole in headHexamitaBody SlimeFreshwater IchDirections: First, dose with...

  • Metronidazole - Treats 200 Gallons


    Metronidazole - Treats 200 Gallons

    Metronidazole - Treats 200 Gallons AquaLife Metronidazole- Treats 200 or 1000 GallonsMetronidazole is effective against:Hole in headHexamitaBody SlimeFreshwater IchDirections: First, dose with...
